News and Resources
SEND inclusion conference summary
Read about the SEND (special educational needs & disabilities) inclusion conference which we recently attended. This is an event for school SENCOs, inclusion managers, and pastoral leads.
Parent carer annual survey 2023
Take part in our first ever annual parent carer survey. We'd like to measure your experiences of East Sussex SEND services, support, and provision.
Home to school transport: October 2023 update
ESPCF recently met with the principal transport officer at East Sussex County Council to share feedback from parent carers and discuss ways to improve the availability and accessibility of information for families.
September 2023 temperature check results
Read the latest results from our termly temperature check poll where we ask parent carers in East Sussex to tell us how things are going in terms of education, health, and social care support and provision.
Join the ESPCF steering group
Are you interested in becoming more involved in ESPCF's work? Find out about opportunities to join our steering group and help shape what we do.
PDA position statement review: update
Thank you to the parent carers who responded to our request for feedback on the PDA position statement. Read what happens next.