ESPCF Newsletters

Published on 17 July 2022
A packed edition, including important updates on:
  • what you told the local authority and NHS at our recent events about changes needed in special educational needs and disabilities services in East Sussex
  • positive news about home to school transport as a result of parent carer input
  • short breaks in East Sussex – help us find out what families need
  • June 2022 temperature check results
  • our visit to the new child development centre in Bexhill
  • initial findings from survey on what works/doesn’t work in terms of support for families with children on the neurodevelopmental pathway 

And more, so delve in!

Published on 30 March 2022
Lots to share in our latest newsletter:
  • A summary of our powerful engagement sessions with parents and carers on what needs to change in SEND (special educational needs & disabilities) provision in East Sussex
  • news about the government’s SEND review green paper and how you can respond
  • recent High Court judgment on EHCP timeframes
  • new funding for neurodevelopmental support
  • submit your topics for the next meeting with the children’s services director at East Sussex
  • and a brand new taster session for parent carers interested in getting a bit more involved in ESPCF work.
Published on 29 November 2021
We’re so pleased to bring you a packed edition full of news, projects and groups where parents and carers have been contributing their knowledge, experience and expertise. You can read about:
  • mental health workstreams, including overcoming barriers to accessing support
  • updates on home to school transport, assessment and planning, a dyslexia working group, and the Voltage email system
  • our new steering group
  • ESPCF priorities – we’d love to hear from you about these
  • the local authority’s new local offer website – give them (or us) your feedback
  • plans for us to hit the road in 2022